Help! What Do I Wear to Pole Dancing Class?
As if women don't battle the "what to wear" monster enough....now there is pole class. No sweat! Power BAR Women's Fitness has you...

7 Things You Need to Know About Starting Pole Dancing
Trying something new always begins with a thought. We observe others who are doing what we desire to do, we wonder how well we would do...

If You Are Experiencing These Symptoms You May Be TOO Stressed!
Google the word Stress and you will find a laundry list of causes and reasons as to why so many Americans are stressed. In Fact,...

Who is Bella Thorne and Did She Set the Pole Dancing Fitness Industry Back with Her Racy Whipped Cre
Pole Dancing has been getting a horrible rep for so many years as many in the general public see it as only being a sexually explicit...
How to Get Good At Pole Dancing Fast
Dallas, Tx Like any other workout most people crave results instantly. We want to see the results from our hard efforts at first...

Dance Studio Fitness and how it can Change Your Life!
Dancing is the ultimate aerobic exercise that was created with one main goal and that is, of feeling good working out. Moving your feet,...

Too Old to Pole Dance?
What is the right age to pole dance? Am I too old for pole fitness? Do pole dance studios have age limits? The benefits of pole dance classe