How to Get the Results You Want From Your Pole Class

Dallas, Tx


The question is often asked, "Will pole dancing help me lose weight?" and the answer is always yes...but at a price.

Because pole dancing is a lot of fun and is done in an interactive social group setting to today's most popular music there are close similarities to nightlife and relaxation. Most do not associate a strict development plan in learning how to pole dance, but oh there certainly is one...

Learning how to pole dance for fitness must be a constructive process in order to see results. As in anything else the key to results is commitment and consistency. Just because pole dancing is fun, doesn't lessen the responsibility of self discipline to stick to a fitness schedule.

If you have a goal to drop pounds, tone up problem areas, or get a strong lean core then it is going to take work.

The journey doesn't change, just the car in which you drive in.

Sorry to write this, but there simply isnt an easy street to the body of your dreams. It is going to require you to set goals, show up to the dance studio, participate fully in every session, self develop at home through the at home workouts given to you by your coach, and yup you guessed it - paying attention to your diet.

As the saying goes, you cant out run a bad diet... for pole dancers, you can out spin, out trick, out lift a bad diet.

Choosing pole dancing for fitness is not a magic pill to the perfect body, but it is a choice to start. Don't get discouraged with the process. This is the saving grace for pole dancers, the fun can serve as a distraction to the process. Just remember it is not a replacement!

Until next time, Keep spinning.

Power BAR Women's Fitness and Pole Dance Parties UNLIMITED Team